miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

How to begin?

Oh well...It's always awkward isn't it? To start a 'blog' or a 'journal', or some weird gadget we use to try not overwhelm ourselves too much. In other words, another way to replace our therapists and psychologists. We've come to a point in which we find ourselves with nothing to do but rejoice ourselves trying to 'fulfill' our unfulfillable lives. I guess the human being has lost its purpose along the way. I find that the primitive human had it so much more easier, they always had their hands full with trying to survive and fighting for their lives that they didn't have time to bore themselves with their feelings and find out how annoying they truly are. We've come to a point in which the only worthy thing to do is think about ourselves and get stuck in the never-ending loop of bettering ourselves. But well, I can call myself a hypocrite, as I as well strive for becoming a 'better person' and pouring my feelings unto a plate for myself to read in a few years and laugh at my immaturity. Anyways I guess that's how we all are.

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